Initially and over time, your cabinet doors will need to be adjusted. This can be caused by temperatures, humidity, non-straight walls, cabinets or even doors. Movement in natural wood is normal. Adjustments can be made simply with a screwdriver.

Hinges are 6-way adjustable. They can move left-right, up-down, and back-forth. If the doors are too close and are rubbing together or too far apart, the screw on the front of the piece attached to the frame will shift if left to right.

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If the cabinet has been tweaked due to an uneven wall, the box is not perfectly square, or the door is slightly warped, you can adjust the door forward and backwards to reduce the distance it sits from the cabinet frame.

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If a door is too high or too low, you can loosen all of the main screws attaching the hinge to the face frame slightly and raise or lower the door. Adjustments may not be able to get every door sitting perfectly flush. Please keep in mind that wood is a natural material and isn’t perfect.

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Download the Cabinet Door Adjustment Guide